Hey Bhava Babes!

We are so excited to launch the Members website and Spaces app this week! Please contact us if you have any questions below! We are so excited to share this new experience with you, and are here to help you if you need anything! Remember, this is a brand new platform, that we intend to see evolve with us. We are working toward a better Bhava online experience, and thank you for being our first users for the new platform!
Ingrid, Heather & Ian
Reminder to all: Here is a VIDEO TRAINING by me of the SPACES app. http://bit.ly/bhavaspacestraining Notes: - You will need to be approved by @Ian Tran , @Ingrid H. Turner or I in order to log in. The code to join is BRCO5E - For anyone that missed the Orientation, this will walk you everything you need to know. It shows you everything we learned on Thursday, and then some. It is 12 minutes and 20 seconds... so take the time to review when you can 🙂 - @Ian Tran will share a video training of the website membership portal when he is able, but I wanted to get this out since we are all starting to play more in the app!